

The highest management body of Operation City is the Assembly, which consists of the representatives of member organizations and each organization has 1 vote.

Managing board

The managing board, appointed by the Assembly on a three-year mandate, manages the organization between two Assembly meetings. The current Managing board, in mandate until June 11th, 2024, consists of:

  • Ana Janjatović Zorica
  • Ana Kovačić
  • Boris Bakal
  • Dajna Mišurac
  • Vanesa Matošević


The President of Operation City is elected by the Assembly on a three-year mandate and represents the organization, keeps the registry of members, convenes Assembly meetings, and performs other tasks stipulated by law. In her absence, these tasks are performed by the Vice President. The President of the organization was Mirela Travar until July 11th 2025 when she was relieved by her request and the function is currently being carried out by the Vice President Matija Mrakovčić, whose  mandate is until May 15th 2026.

Organizational team

The organizational team is the operational structure of the organization, which implements programs and projects of Operation City. Apart from the organizational team, the organization occasionally engages additional associates on individual project activities and involves volunteers.

The organizational team consists of:

  • Sven Janovski - programme coordinator
  • Sofija Dobrić - finance and administration manager 
  • Tena Starčević - programme associate
  • Julijana Lešić - programme associate

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